Decolonization is Not a Metaphor: The Basics of a Genuine Anti-Colonial Position

Decolonization is Not a Metaphor: The Basics of a Genuine Anti-Colonial Position

From Onkwehón:we Rising

“These goals, once accomplished, would wipe out the the material basis for the existence of the white nation, which only exists by dint of genocide, enslavement and occupation. Only after all of this will it be possible to negotiate a future for the former occupying nation, but such negotiations must take place between the former colonized nations, not necessarily with the consent of the settler population. Indeed, given that the consolidation of the settler nation was dialecticaly tied to the colonization of Onkwehón:we and Afrikan peoples, then the elimination of the material basis of the settler nation via anti-colonial struggle may well result in the dissolution of that entity.

Once all of these things are understood, of the primacy of anti-colonial struggle, and the fullest understanding of what that portends for revolution on this continent, will it be possible to claim that one has arrived at the most genuine possible anti-colonial politics.”

Source: Decolonization is Not a Metaphor: The Basics of a Genuine Anti-Colonial Position

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